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A sweet special & our Apple debut — It's a wonderful web weekend!

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CoffeeCup Software

News Flash: We’ve got three top-notch OS X apps fresh off the presses.
And we’re giving away the 4th—read all about it here.

Now it’s time for colorful changes and sweet savings!

Did you know that there are almost 16.8 million colors on the web? And you can pick only a few of them for your website! Decisions, decisions…

Overwhelmed? Don’t know where to start? Here’s your solution:

Color Schemer is one of the most high-powered and useful apps we know. But it’s also one of the most underrated… and we’re gonna change that this weekend!

We’re offering Color Schemer for $9.99 so everybody can and will:

- Find colors that match based on age-old color theories that work
- Manage, save, and share a variety of sweet color schemes
- Preview color schemes in a typical webpage layout
- Blend and mix colors like a pro
- Capture any color that’s displayed on your screen
- Generate a coordinating color scheme from an inspiring photo.

Craft beautiful color schemes for web calendars, graphics, websites, and more. The color codes (as seen below) will work with any app—even if it’s not ours.

The Web Color Handbook gives you insider’s secrets on successful color schemes. Based on the tone, philosophy, or content of your site, this handbook shows you exactly what colors you should use for a successful design.

Really, we get questions all the time about which colors to use, how to find complimentary colors, and so on. These two products answer all these questions. With the guesswork eliminated, you can generate the perfect color scheme without any worry.

Don’t miss it! If you don’t get in at these prices you’ll [insert bad circumstance*].

Get the addictive Website Color Schemer for just $9.99
Get the insightful Web Color Handbook fo just $3.99

* (Choose one: cry for days; be fed into a wood chipper; be shunned by your pet llama; iron through your favorite sequined vest; ask velvet Elvis for forgiveness)

Did we mention we now have sublime OS X apps?

Yeah we did, but we just can’t get enough. We’re hammering the last nails into these rock-solid debut OS X apps:

  • Web Form Builder: Fun, fantastic, and functional web forms fast.
  • Web Editor: The only editor that does the HTML-CSS-Preview round trip.
  • Web Image Studio: Web graphics made simple—indeed.

The beta is almost over, but the prices are still sweet. Plus, John came out of his cave for a few weeks to finish a 4th amazing OS X app that we know you’re gonna love. We’re giving it away to a few hundred lucky fans any day now. Want in? Read about it on our Stream and sign up if you want to be notified.

Have a crazy-colorful weekend!

Quality software since 1996

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