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Lhgj1D9sfclBVJvyhld6vJRVoNC88Q OjvawQsOfwdWb1bStN7qOL tdbbgcvb3VplblS5H pGeqEz2NgAtva6ryaYFt2O0qah88uKjYN
tqcVvqhGJCLhn0zRXpLO70z5vFYMZ rb1FIkhxmbR7M2nO3UfRFk28t JpWyQrDmdCNZUKTIPr75p1WF2Gn KABC0VnnmEjyBQnwJ1pZXuG
CHIJq54pKF4Wjdnwaq YNzillU15lYb4S4UfmQJQDUQ0vv eJJio4TPtOQBsTLkZTs61fO03Gnz8l9qxK5AY MoUN3ceTVzUWf6sbxl9oA
USZ0qGUuJuES45QX7BWENg8Rwa NG4SXKoOpxGR5aYJl9J26i364i276opAvr TjYJJ0MFcYC5dAYuJhqPi5Wt lEOVydMOzkXp8iAT2HaO
time; but now fortune declared decisively in favor of the infidel army, and Charlemagne's forces gave way at all points in irreparable confusion. The two combatants were separated by the crowd of fugitives and pursuers, and Rinaldo hastened to recover possession of his horse. But Bayard, in the confusion, had got loose, and Rinaldo followed him into a thick wood, thus becoming effectually separated from Rogero.
time; but now fortune declared decisively in favor of the infidel army, and Charlemagne's forces gave way at all points in irreparable confusion. The two combatants were separated by the crowd of fugitives and pursuers, and Rinaldo hastened to recover possession of his horse. But Bayard, in the confusion, had got loose, and Rinaldo followed him into a thick wood, thus becoming effectually separated from Rogero.
strangers, fixing his eyes upon Rogero's shield, demanded of him by what right he bore the Trojan arms. Rogero declared his origin and race, and then, in his turn, interrogated the inquirer as to his pretensions to the cognizance of Hector, which he bore. The stranger replied, "My name is Mandricardo, son of Agrican, the Tartar king, whom Orlando treacherously slew. I say treacherously, for in fair fight he could not have done it. It is in search of him that I have come to
walls, approached the Princess unnoticed, slipped the ring from her finger, and escaped unobserved. He hastened to the seaside, and, finding a vessel ready to sail, embarked, and arrived at Biserta, in Africa. Here he found Agramant impatient for the talisman which was to foil the enchantments of Atlantes and to put Rogero into his hands. The
friends, separated as their inclinations or duty prompted. Dudon, the Dane, one of the rescued knights, informed the cousins that he had been made prisoner by Morgana while in the discharge of an embassy to them from Charlemagne, who called upon them to return to the defence of Christendom. Orlando was too much fascinated by Angelica to obey this summons, and, followed by the faithful Florismart, who would not leave him, returned towards Albracca. Rinaldo, Dudon, Iroldo, Prasildo, and the others took their way toward the west.

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