Template Editato By Force Downs

You will not regret

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ARTHUR finished his apprenticeship, and got a job on the electrical plant at Minton Pit. He    earned very little, but had a good chance of getting on. But he was wild and restless. He did not drink nor gamble. Yet he    somehow contrived to get into endless scrapes, always through some hot-headed thoughtlessness. Either he went rabbiting in    the woods, like a poacher, or he stayed in Nottingham all night instead of coming home, or he miscalculated his dive into the    canal at Bestwood, and scored his chest into one mass of wounds on the raw stones and tins at the bottom..
One day, as he was going up Castle Gate, he met Miriam. He had seen her on the Sunday, and had    not expected to meet her in town. She was walking with a rather striking woman, blonde, with a sullen expression, and a    defiant carriage. It was strange how Miriam, in her bowed, meditative bearing, looked dwarfed beside this woman with the    handsome shoulders. Miriam watched Paul searchingly. His gaze was on the stranger, who ignored him. The girl saw his    masculine spirit rear its head
The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what a man or woman is able to do that counts.

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