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CoffeeCup's B-Sides [awesome lesser-known apps at sweet prices!]

CoffeeCup’s most-wanted B-Sides | Read the online version here.
CoffeeCup Software

Last weekend we brought you CoffeeCup’s Greatest Hits.
This weekend we’re bringing you our most popular B-sides.

We crunched the numbers and put together this compilation of our most-wanted apps. Pick a side or two or get ’em all (the entire album is only $89.99!)

Killer B’s
A collection of CoffeeCup’s
Side A most popular B-sides
Visual Site Designer  $49  $29
An award-winning app that helps you create websites visually, not code-ually. Just drag-and-drop it into place. All programs are Windows-only except Web Image Studio.

You can get the OS X version of Web Image Studio here.

This collection of B-sides was made possible by years of support by the amazing CoffeeCup community. Without you, we’d never have made it this far.

$20 off Visual Site Designer »
Side B
Web Image Studio  $49  $19.99
The world’s easiest image editor produces huge results. Tweak graphics, apply effects to photos, and more.
Go imaging with Web Image Studio »
Side C
Sitemapper  $29  $19.99
Boost your ranking in search results while making your website easier to navigate. It’s a double-win.
Unlimited site maps for less than $20 »
Side D
Web Calendar  $39  $24.99
Keep fans, friends, and customers informed of events and specials. These calendars look great with no effort.
Unique Web Calendars »

You can get the entire album of lesser-known  (including the bonus track below).

→ Get all the B-Sides for only $89.99 (a great deal, this weekend only!)

Yep, this special edition version comes with a bonus track:

Keep up with all your passwords using LockBox. It encyrpts and stores usernames, passwords, registration codes, notes, and anything else you need to keep secret.

You can take your LockBox everywhere you go. When it’s on a portable USB drive and in your wallet or on your keychain, your passwords are always with you. We’ll pre-install it on a sweet CoffeeCup USB stick for you, too.

→ Get LockBox for $6.99 (Marked down from $24 ’til Tuesday)
→ Get LockBox ready-to-go on a USB stick ($19—no shipping cost in the USA)

I use LockBox all day, every day. It has become an indispensable piece of software.  — Garry Mabry

Take a tip from Garry and be safe on the web. Use a different password for every site, and keep track of them all with LockBox. (No one likes to get hacked!)

Enjoy those B-sides!

Quality software since 1996

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© 2012 | CoffeeCup Software, Inc. | 165 Courtland Street, Suite A, Box 312, Atlanta, GA 30303 USA

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