Template Editato By Force Downs

$6.99 to never forget a password again? Hecks yeah!

Lockbox for just $6.99 this weekend. | Read the online version here.
CoffeeCup Software

Using a single password on the web simplifies things, but it can spell trouble if anyone ever figures it out. (We keep telling our parents that “abc123” is bad!)

So what do you do? Use a unique username and password for every site!
But there’s so darn many sites…

You need LockBox. Store all your website passwords and other personal information in an awesome, easy-to-use application. It's 448-bit Blowfish encrypted to make it virtually impossible for anyone to access your information.

Get Lockbox for $6.99 (marked down from $24 ’til Tuesday)

If you’ve got a ton of passwords, the search will help you find it fast. You can even securely store notes for each entry in the LockBox.

You can learn more about how LockBox can simplify your life here.

Wondering if it’s right for you? Then listen to our customers:

“I use LockBox all day, every day. It has become an indispensable piece of software.” — Garry Mabry
“The LockBox works perfectly on a USB key, I carry mine with me so none of my data is out of my pocket.” — David Wilson

Yep, you can take your LockBox everywhere you go. When it’s on a portable USB drive and in your wallet or on your keychain, your passwords are always with you. We’ll pre-install it on a sweet CoffeeCup USB stick for you, too.

Get LockBox ($6.99)
Get LockBox ready-to-go on a USB stick ($19—no shipping cost in the USA)

With the holidays around the corner, now’s the time to get all your account info together with LockBox. You don’t want to be searching for that eBay password at the last minute and miss the GI Joe with Kung-Fu Grip action figure, right? :)

Quality software since 1996

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