Template Editato By Force Downs

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His fool, or    professional jester, was not only a fool, however. His value was trebled in the eyes of the king, by    the fact of his being also a dwarf and a cripple. Dwarfs were as common at court, in those days, as    fools; and many monarchs would have found it difficult to get through their days (days are rather    longer at court than elsewhere) without both a jester to laugh with, and a dwarf to laugh at. But, as I    have already observed, your jesters, in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred, are fat, round, and    unwieldy -- so that it was no small source of self-gratulation with our king that, in Hop-Frog (this    was the fool's name), he possessed a triplicate treasure in one person.
Our king, as a matter    of course, retained his fool. The fact is, he required something in the way of folly -- if only to    counterbalance the heavy wisdom of the seven wise men who were his ministers -- not to mention himself.
I NEVER knew anyone so keenly alive to a joke as the king was. He seemed to live only for joking. To tell a good story of the joke kind, and to tell it well, was the surest road to his favor. Thus it happened that his seven ministers were all noted for their accomplishments as jokers. They all took after the king, too, in being large, corpulent, oily men, as well as inimitable jokers. Whether people grow fat by joking, or whether there is something in fat itself which predisposes to a joke, I have never been quite able to determine; but certain it is that a lean joker is a rara avis in terris

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