Template Editato By Force Downs

Key Lime Digital Designs: Getting Personal with Blogging

Key Lime Digital Designs: Getting Personal with Blogging

Link to Key Lime  {A Creative Pixel &  Paper Blog}

Getting Personal with Blogging

Posted: 05 Apr 2012 01:52 AM PDT

The other night I was trying to figure out a blog post for the next day. I started browsing my favorite blogs, Pinterest, and Facebook hoping for something to spark a post idea. I found this yellow office picture and I fell in love.

I quickly saved the image, copied the source, and started writing a post. Originally this post was just the photo and a small paragraph about where I found it. I published the post and moved on to the the next item on my to do list.

Later that night I read this post by Marta, Getting Personal With Blogging and Overcoming Stage Fright.  It totally struck home. I think I might have some Blogger stage fright. I get a little on edge when I write posts with personal feelings and opinions [like this one].  It can be scary sharing your heart! And maybe it is because I don’t feel like I am a talented writer and I don’t always know how to type what I am thinking. Or maybe I am just unsure about which personal things to share. Either way Marta’s post motivated me to try adding more “personal” to my blog posts.

So I proceed to edit the Yellow Office Post, and add a little detail on why I like the sunny office color and design. The post may not have been perfect, but it was the same post with a little more of me.

And that is the hard part for me. Figuring out how much personal is okay and what kind of details I should share. I don’t want to expose my family or little girl to any unwanted attention, it is still our personal life. There has to be a perfect mixture right?

I am not talking about turning this blog into a travel log of everything we do and when we do it. I am talking about finding that delicate balance of adding in personal detail with the business/craft/tutorial posts. The kind of details that help you get to know a person.

And maybe you aren’t here to get to know me. Maybe you are here for the tutorials and printables. [That's totally okay too!]

But in my head I want this blog to be a place for learning, inspiration, teaching, sharing and community. So we gotta be a little personal right?

What do you think? How much personal detail do you share on your blog/facebook/twitter? What is the right amount? How do you mix it in with you business/design/craft posts? Do you struggle with it like me?

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