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Key Lime Digital Designs: COOL WHIP Cookie Sandwiches

Key Lime Digital Designs: COOL WHIP Cookie Sandwiches

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COOL WHIP Cookie Sandwiches

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 09:03 PM PDT

AdvertisementThank you COOL WHIP for sponsoring this post. Join us on Facebook for inspiration and recipes for everyday treats. What you add makes it. #coolwhipmoms


A couple years ago my family and I went on a Mexican cruise. I think that most people would agree that the food/desserts are always a main attraction on any cruise. And my family and I were no different. We loved trying the different gourmet dishes and desserts. But one particular night after dinner I ended up with a Kids Dessert Menu by accident and that was the tastiest accident that ever happened.  I ordered a Frozen Cookie Sandwich and it was magical. I am not sure why I loved it so much or why I was passing up Creme Bruele and Raspberry Cheesecake for Cookie Sandwhiches, but I was. I ordered a Frozen Cookie Sandwich every night after that.

Today I am going to share how I turned my favorite “cruise” dessert into an everyday family dessert.  The star of these frozen sandwiches is the COOL WHIP whipped topping, it  makes the cookies more magical. These sandwhiches are easy to make (we made them together as a family) and particularly special for me because they remind me of our family cruise.

COOL WHIP Frozen Cookie Sandwiches

To make your family some COOL WHIP Frozen Cookie Sandwhiches you will need:

  • Your favorite chocolate chip cookies (24 Cookies)
  • 1 Container of COOL WHIP Whipped Topping
  • Baking Sheet
  • Mini Ice Cream Scoop

To make cookies turn one cookie facedown and put a big scoop of COOL WHIP on top. Then top the sandwich off with another cookie. Place sandwiches on a baking sheet and place them in freezer for 30 mins or until COOL WHIP is mostly frozen, and delicious!

Alternative Ideas >>>> We made these as a family last night and Husband served his frozen cookie sandwich up with some chocolate syrup and homemade ice cream. I think next time I might try these with snickerdoodles or chocolate cookies. Don’t chocolate chocolate chip cookies and whipped topping sound like a perfect pair?

Sponsored posts are purely editorial content that we are pleased to have presented by a participating sponsor. Advertisers do not produce the content. I was compensated for this post as a member of Clever Girls Collective, but the content is all my own.


ALSO… COOL WHIP is having a contest! Do you have a special dessert you’d like to share? Enter COOL WHIP’s Fan Dessert of the Month Contest for a chance to win $500! Simply make a COOL WHIP dessert, take a photo, and upload it here. Enter now!

Keep Your Photos Interesting :: Guest Post

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 07:20 PM PDT

Hey there fellow Key Lime Digital Designs lovers!!! I’m so excited to be on Kendra’s blog today, she is such a sweetheart and I’m hoping to meet in real life when she come back to the mainland!!! My name is Jamie and I blog over at The Letter 4! We’re a craft, recipe, style, inspiration blog, and recently just started up a charity shop where we donate 100% of our net proceeds to those in need! Check it out!
The look and appearance to my blog is extremely important to me. Pictures is a huge part of that! Let’s face it, when you hop on the internet you’re looking for eye candy! That’s why you love your pinterest boards so much because they are filled with beautiful things :) Now we’ve all heard and know the usual photo tips: you need good natural lighting for your photos, make sure it’s not blurry, you want bright colorful photos. But you can be following these tips and still produce boring monotonous photos. If you take a picture of a recipe in the exact same dishes, in the exact same place every post your photos are going to become boring. So today I wanted to share with you how I like to keep my photos interesting!
1. Stage your photos
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There is a corner in my house that is like a tiny “photobooth” for taking pictures. This is nice 1: because you can always change it and 2: you don’t have to go outside. I like to tape up fabric, paper, and even in the picture on the left I took a bunch of black and white magazine photos and taped them up.
2. Be unexpected
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Taking objects to a unexpected place to take pictures is sure to catch people’s eye. My favorite way to do that is usually with my printables. It’s interesting and different to see pictures frames outside rather than on the wall or even Christmas ornaments in the snow rather then on a tree.
3. It’s in the details
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This is a huge deal in making your photos interesting. You’re not just photographing the product, you’re capturing everything around it too. So like in picture 1 where Janae is showing you her bracelet made from a baseball, she didn’t just put on the bracelet she made. She paired it with other interesting bracelets and even painted her nails. For recipe photos, go all out in making them pretty! Hot chocolate looks so much more tempting with whipped cream and chocolate shavings on top!
4. Editing your photos
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I love editing my photos in different ways to get a certain feel for a post. It’s good to keep your blog consistent but every once in a while it’s fun to mix it up and edit them to achieve a certain look. For example this post I did on Maple Cinnamon Bananas I wanted it to have a morning feel. However, remember it’s important to keep the whole post consistent. So don’t edit each photo within one post all different from each other or else it gets cluttered and confusing to the eye.
Hope that inspires you to do something different! Visit us at our blog or on facebook for more tips and tutorials!!
Thanks for having me Kendra! You are RAD!!!
-XOXO Jamie @ The Letter 4

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